Archives State Agency

Тази система е създадена в рамките на проект "Подобряване качеството на комплексното административно обслужване, чрез въвеждане на електронни услуги за предоставяне на специализирани услуги на потребителите на архивна информация – администрацията, физически и юридически лица чрез надграждане на съществуващата информационна система на държавните архиви (ИСДА)", в изпълнение на договор за предоставяне на безвъзмездна финансова помощ по ОПАК № 13-32-5/24.02.2014 г.

Service Description

Service Provider: ДА "Архиви" , UIC/BULSTAT 000697600

Providing appraisal on documents' restoration and conservation

Legal grounds

  • Art. 74, section. 2 of the Law on the National Archival Fonds (LNAF).


“Archives” State Agency provides appraisal on restoration and conservation of documents held outside of the state archives. The appraisal is prepared only in the restoration and conservation laboratory under the “Digitisation, Restoration, Conservation and Microfilming” (DRCM) Directorate. The appraisals include assessment of the condition of the documents, necessary procedures and restoration and conservation methods, including calculation of the restoration cost.

Competent authority

DRCM Directorate.

Submitting requests for issuing

  • at desk;
  • via licensed post operator;
  • electronically;

Necessary documents

Not required.

Receiving the service product

  • at desk;
  • electronic notification;
  • via post/currier service on the declared correspondence address;
  • via post/currier service on a different address;
  • via post/currier service to a mail box;

Fees and service payment

  • Receiving request on a standard form – BGN 5,00.
  • Preparing appraisal – BGN 30,00.

For up to date information you may check the Quick Links section, the pages Fees for the fees collected by the “Archives” SA and Service charges, provided by the “Archives” SA.

Payment method

  • at desk;
  • bank payment;
  • online via bank card and virtual POS terminal;

Term for providing the service

The terms are determined individually for each particular case.

Internal service proceedings

  • Following the successful registration of the application in the records management system of the “Archives” SA the applicant receives notification on the provided email address, containing information about: unique registration identification (URI) number of the application in the records management system of the “Archives” SA, the date of the application registration and unique numerical access code. With this information the applicant can track the progress on his or her document in section “Service status” in the “Archives” SA electronic services portal;
  • The applicant receives information on the time for delivery of documents in the restoration and conservation laboratory to the DRCM Directorate. This is arranged after prior agreement with the applicant;
  • The applicant pays the set charge and ensures that the documents are delivered to the central laboratory of the DRCM Directorate at the building of the “Archives” SA on 5 “Moskovska” Str.;
  • The applicant receives information on the prepared appraisal.

Note: If the application is incomplete (text not properly completed or lack of information for issuing reader’s card), the applicant shall be notified with instruction to fix the problem within three days (art. 30 of the Administrative Procedural Codex).

Service outcome

Provided appraisal on documents’ restoration and conservation.